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About us

About us

With its close partnership with the Diocese of Chichester, the Hurst Education Trust is a Church of England Multi Academy Trust. As such it is proud of its identity and foundation and this is reflected explicitly and implicitly in its ethos, practices and policies. Central to the work of the Trust and its schools is the Church of England’s Vision for Education, “Educating for life in all of its fullness.”


“I have come so that you may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10) 


Under this umbrella, the Trust and its schools are open, welcoming and inclusive, embracing pupils of all faiths and none, committed to the flourishing of all of its pupils.


Diversity is celebrated and equal opportunities available to all. It is our belief that there are core common values universally recognised across faith boundaries, dignity, compassion, the removal of disadvantage and discrimination, empathy and encouragement which help foster and create a positive school environment in which all individuals can thrive and grow.

Tim Manly
Chief Executive of The Hurst Education Trust


“I have come so that you may have life, and have it to the full.”


John 10:10


Together building a culture of excellence for all in everything
we do.


Excellence, Integrity
and Togetherness

The Trust

The Hurst Education Trust (HET) is a newly-formed Multi-Academy Trust set up by Hurstpierpoint College in collaboration with the Diocese of Chichester. It exists to provide a unique offer to local schools in the Mid Sussex area.


Academic excellence is the foundation of a Hurst education, because we believe it opens doors to the future. Therefore every child is challenged and supported along the way in our friendly and warm community.

We are ambitious for each of our pupils and who they can become. Each child has the opportunity to access all the schools have to offer, together with additional facilities and resources at the College, and we encourage each one to engage and enjoy all aspects of school life.


We offer our schools:

  • A high quality education support package focused on the “Good to Outstanding” journey

  • A comprehensive administrative provision, including but not limited to: Human Resources, Payroll, Finance Support, Health & Safety advice, Data Protection Service and IT Support

  • Access to the College’s facilities, including sports and academic provision together with specialist facilities including the theatre, the farm and the chapel

  • A substantial CPD package for teaching and support staff


Importantly, schools retain their individuality, including their name, uniform and curriculum. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach.

Our Vision

Together building a culture of excellence for all in everything we do

The HET family of schools are inclusive caring communities. We celebrate what we share as well as our individuality and difference.


With healthy and caring relationships, compassion and generosity, honesty and forgiveness, we ambitiously strive together for excellence. Children within the HET schools are enabled to live their life to the full (John 10:10). 


They are supported to achieve their God-given potential through the development of skills, wisdom and knowledge as well as personal character. They are encouraged to be aspirational, ambitious and self-determined (Hebrews 12:1).


Pupils lay the foundations which will enable them to make a difference for themselves and others. They will have hope and ambition as well as being able to deal with uncertainties and setbacks (Jeremiah 17:7-8).


In short, they should leave our schools ready for the next stage of their life (Matthew 7:24-27) with a strong sense of right and wrong, able to build strong, trusting relationships with others.

HET Vision graphic

Our Values


Achieving personal excellence is at the heart of the HET (Philippians 4:8). Whether it is in the classroom or beyond, this expectation of personal excellence should inspire our pupils to fulfill their own potential (John 10: 10) and to support others to do the same (Mark 12:30). All leaders and staff across the trust model, set and support high expectations for the children in all aspects of school life.



HET schools are inclusive communities which collaborate and where everyone is welcome. HET schools work together to create environments where every child can succeed together alongside their peers. All children and staff are treated with respect through compassion and kindness and acts of service (Mark 10:45). This is reflected in how the children interact with each other, their teachers and environment (Romans 12:3-21). HET Staff are considerate, collaborative and thoughtful professionals. Leaders are supportive and collegiate.



Pupils and Staff at HET schools value integrity in all that they do. This includes making the right choices, even when no one is looking (Luke 10:29-37), taking responsibility for our actions and caring for our environment as stewards of the world (Genesis 2:15). Staff in the HET schools lead by good example.



The pupil experience and curriculum in a HET school are broad, rich and ambitious, rooted in, and underpinned by, our vision and values. They are designed to enable every child to flourish (John 10:10) and to prepare them well for their future life decisions and personal success irrespective of their background or beliefs (Galatians 3:28-29). Staff and Leaders in HET schools are thoughtful, skilled and committed professionals who embrace personal development for both themselves and others.


Hope and Ambition

We are driven by ambition for our children’s futures and hope for a better world in spite of the inevitable challenges and setbacks. We work hard for all our children to be successful, well grounded adults. Staff in HET schools share and nurture the pupils’ hopes, aspirations and ambitions for the future based on a belief that every child can grow and make a difference beyond themselves and their own needs (Matthew 13:31-32).


Hurst Education Trust
c/o Hurstpierpoint College

College Lane, Hurstpierpoint, West Sussex, BN6 9JS



© 2022 Hurst® Education Trust is a Company Limited by Guarantee in England and Wales
Registered No. 13807225


Hurst is a registered trade mark of Hurstpierpoint College Ltd​

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