Hurst Education Trust, its Trustees, Governors and staff including Local Governing Bodies and school staff take seriously their responsibilities to safeguard and promote the welfare of children; and to work together with to ensure arrangements within our schools identify, assess and support those children and young people who are suffering harm.

The Trust expect all staff, employees and volunteers to share this commitment.

All our schools have their own Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, which can be found on the individual school’s website and is available by request from the school office. All schools report safeguarding concerns through their safeguarding systems, MyConcern or CPOMS. Strategic overview and management of safeguarding is led by the Trust Centre staff with reports shared at Trustee level.

The Trust’s Designated Safeguarding lead is: Simon Hilliard

The Trust’s Safeguarding Trustee is: Tony Jarvis

If you have a query about safeguarding, please contact the school in the first instance or if this is not appropriate, please ring 01273 836915 or email: